
February is my F-word.

February is my F-word.

I don’t like it. I never have. My body and mind are ready for the season change, but my environment is not. And it’s a struggle every year. 

I know I am not alone. THE END of winter can be a real low point for some folks. I feel you. And I feel it. These lows get louder when winter drags into spring as it often does in Maine. Then add in ALL the life stuff, the death stuff, and everything in between.

Furthermore, March cries wolf – or lion – or lamb. The sun teases us. The equinox is just a few weeks away and planning anything for the rest of the year fills the brain with hints of excitement. And then BAM! Your mood still matches the blackish-grayish-brown shades of your winter wardrobe for at least the next 31 days.

So I have learned that when February has had its way with me, I turn to the ocean, feel gratitude for my cold-water practice, reflect on all the things I do love about winter and take a deep breath. I quite literally dip down and rise up. And it helps.

The cold reminds me I am alive, strong, and resilient. And the community of dippers around me brings out more light in me than a June solstice ever could. We are not made for darkness, as Maya Angelou so beautifully reminds us – “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” Nothing, not even February.

So, let’s go be lions! March is waiting, and Saltwater Mountain Co. is here. And we want to welcome you to your NEW BEGINNING one dip at a time. You have so many chances to Dip Down and RISE Up this month – check out our community dip schedule and our retreats – and of course our shop to outfit you for both! We hope to see both you AND your light this month!

[photo credit: @16hoops]